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尹成杰 讲师




尹成杰(1987–),安徽宿州人,中共党员,工学博士,讲师,硕士研究生导师,英国正版365官方网站青年托举人才(2022),现任应用化学系副主任2019年12月毕业于中南大学材料科学与工程学院,同年进入英国正版365官方网站从事教学及科研工作,主要从事电化学能源材料与器件、锂(钠)离子电池、水系多价离子电池等研究工作主持省级项目1项、校级项目3项。近年来,以第一或通讯作者身份在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Chemical Engineering Journal、Small MethodsJournal of Colloid and Interface ScienceACS Sustainable Chemistry & EngineeringJournal of Energy StorageJournal of Alloys and CompoundsApplied Surface ScienceACS Applied Energy Materials等学术期刊上发表论文20余篇;申请中国发明专利3项。

担任Advanced Powder Materials、稀有金属、湖南师范大学学报《自然科学版》青年编委,Nano-Micro Letters、Nano Energy、Journal of Power Sources、Chemical Engineering Journal、Small Structures、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Energy Storage、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Applied Surface Science、ACS Applied Energy Materials、Carbon、Sustainable materials and technologies、Scripta materialia等知名杂志审稿人。






2021.07~至今     英国正版365官方网站 讲师

2020.01~2021.06  英国正版365官方网站 芜湖研究院 讲师

2016.09~2019.12  中南大学 材料学 博士学位

2013.09~2016.07  湖南师范大学 高分子化学与物理  硕士学位

2009.09~2013.07   滁州学院   应用化学   学士学位




1. 超级电容器及相关电极材料;

2. 锂离子动力电池的正极材料及电解液研发;

3. Na/K/Zn等新型电池的研发;

4. 各种MOF材料的合成,衍生转化及其在储能中的应用;

5. 共轭导电高分子基电极材料的制备与改性研究;

6. 生物可穿戴储能器件及管件材料的开发。



1. 基于金属有机框架@聚苯胺复合材料的限域质子化构筑与储锌研究(2208085QB45),安徽省自然科学基金青年项目10万,2022.01-2023.12主持,已结题;

2. 不饱和配位金属有机框架及其聚苯胺复合物材料的构筑及储能研究(xjzd2020-19)英国正版365官方网站校青年基金重点项目2万,2021.05-2023.04主持,已结题

3. 生物可穿戴医用传感器关键材料研究(YZ2023H2B009),英国正版365官方网站医学专项培育重点项目8万,2023.12-2025.11 主持,在研

4. 羰基化合物的可控制备及储锌研究(13200361),A类博士引进项目6万,2020.05-2023.06主持,已结题


18. Rong Han, Yusong Pan*, Chao Du, Yanlei Xiang, Yuanqing Wang, Hongwu Zhu, Chengjie Yin*. Eu doping β-MnO2 as cathode materials for high specific capacity aqueous zinc ion batteries. Journal of Energy Storage 2024, 80, 110250. (中科院二区 IF=9.4)

17. Chengjie Yin,* Hui Wang, Chengling Pan, Yusong Pan, Zhi Li, Jinsong Hu. Constructing MOF-derived V2O5 as advanced cathodes for aqueous zinc ion batteries. Journal of Energy Storage 2023, 73B, 109045. (中科院二区 IF=9.4)

16. Chengjie Yin,* Chengling Pan, Yusong Pan, Jinsong Hu,* and Guozhao Fang*. Proton self-doped polyaniline with high electrochemical activity for aqueous zinc-ion batteries. Small Methods 2023, 7, 2300574. (中科院二区 IF=12.4)

15. Rong Han, Yusong Pan*, Chenjie Yin*, Chao Du, Yanlei Xiang, Yuanqing Wang, Hongwu Zhu. Proton-self-doped PANI@CC as the cathode for high-performance aqueous zinc-ion battery. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 650, 322–329. (中科院一区 IF=9.9)

14. Chengjie Yin*, Chengling Pan, Yusong Pan, Jinsong Hu. Hollow Mn-Co-O@C yolk-shell microspheres with carbon shells as cathodes derived from a double-metal MOF for aqueous zinc-ion batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2023, 33, 12397-12405. (中科院一区 IF=8.4)

13. Chengjie Yin*, Chengling Pan, Yusong Pan, Jinsong Hu. Hierarchical spheroidal MOF-derived MnO@C as cathode components for high-performance aqueous zinc ion batteries. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 642, 513–522. (中科院一区 IF=9.9).

12. Chengjie Yin*, Jianhui Chen, Chengling Pan*, Yusong Pan*, Jinsong Hu*. MOF-Derived Mn3O4@C Hierarchical Nanospheres as Cathodes for Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022, 5, 14144−14154. (中科院IF=6.9)

11. Xiaobo Liao, Chengling Pan*, Haixian Yan, Yuan Zhu, Yusong Pan*, Chengjie Yin*. Polyaniline-functionalized graphene composite cathode with enhanced Zn2+ storage performance for aqueous zinc-ion battery. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 440, 135930. (中科院一区 IF=16.7

10. Chengjie Yin*, Chengling Pan*, Xiaobo Liao, Yusong Pan*, Liang Yuan. Regulation interlayer spacing vanadium oxide by in situ polyaniline intercalation for superior insertion/extraction cathodes in aqueous zinc-ion batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 35837–35847.(中科院一区 IF= 10.383

9. Chengjie Yin*, Chengling Pan*, Xiaobo Liao, Yusong Pan*, Liang Yuan*. Coordinately unsaturated manganese-based metal organic frameworks as a high-performance cathode for aqueous zinc-ion batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 39347–39354.(中科院一区 IF= 10.383

8. Xiaobo Liao, Chengling Pan*, Yusong Pan*, Chengjie Yin*. Synthesis of three-dimensional β-MnO2/PPy composite for high-performance cathode in zinc-ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021, 888,161619.中科院二区,IF= 6.2

7. Chengjie Yin*, Linfeng Xu, Yusong Pan*, Chengling Pan*, Metal−Organic Framework as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries with High Capacity and Rate Performance. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2020, 3, 10776−10786.(中科院二区,IF= 6.7

6. Chengjie Yin, Zhiqiang Bao, Hui Tan, Hongming Zhou*, Jian Li*, Metal-organic framework-mediated synthesis of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4: tuning the Mn3+ content and electrochemical performance by organic ligands, Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 372, 408-419. (中科院一区 IF=16.7)

5.Chengjie Yin, Hongming Zhou*, Jian Li*, Influence of doped anions on PEDOT/Ni-Mn-Co-O for supercapacitor electrode material. Applied Surface Science 2019, 464, 220−228.(中科院一区 IF=6.5

4. Chengjie Yin, Hongming Zhou*, Jian Li*, Facile one-step hydrothermal synthesis of PEDOT:PSS/MnO2 nanorod hybrids for high-rate supercapacitor electrode materials. Ionics 2019, 2, 685–695. (中科院三区 IF=2.7)

3. Hongming Zhou, Bin Liu, Demin Xiao, Chengjie Yin*, Jian Li, Fluoroethylene carbonate as the additive of lithium difluoro(oxalate) borate–sulfolane electrolytes to improve the electrochemical performance of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2019, 30, 5098–5108. (中科院三区 IF=2.4)

2. Chengjie Yin, Hongming Zhou*, Zhaohui Yang, Jian Li*, Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 for Li-Ion Batteries by the Metal−Organic Framework Method. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10, 13625−13634.(中科院一区 IF= 10.383

1. Chengjie Yin, Chunming Yang*, A Novel and Facile One-Pot Solvothermal Synthesis of PEDOT−PSS/Ni−Mn−Co−O Hybrid as an Advanced Supercapacitor Electrode Material. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8, 2741−2752. (中科院一区 IF= 10.383)


1. 尹成杰,一种金属有机框架/聚苯胺复合材料的制备方法及其应用,2021.6,申请号:202110683954.7

2. 尹成杰,一种三维介孔微球结构MnO2/Ppy复合材料的制备方法及应用,2021.6, 申请号:202110684095.3

3. 尹成杰,一种氧化石墨烯/聚苯胺复合材料的制备方法及应用, 2021.6,申请号:202110701402.4


1. 2023能源与材料国际会议,20231223-24日,中国合肥,分会邀请报告。

2. 2023第二届全国能源与材料化学高峰论坛,202311月17-19日,中国青岛,分会邀请报告、分会主持。

3. 2023年度《国家科学评论》化学与材料科学前沿论坛,20231110-12日,中国扬州,分会邀请报告。

4. 2023国际能源化学与工程大会,2023年7月21-23日,中国成都,分会邀请报告。

5. 2021国际能源化学与工程大会,2021年7月24-26日,中国成都,分会邀请报告。


1. 英国正版365官方网站“青年人才托举”,2022

2. 获得博士研究生国家奖学金、中南大学拔尖博士董事长奖学金、比亚迪奖学金及中南大学优秀研究生的荣誉称号。

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