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杨 萍 教授



杨萍(1980—),女,中共党员,安徽阜阳人,博士,博士生导师,教授。2007年7月在安徽师范大学分析化学研究所研究生毕业, 获硕士学位。毕业后到淮南师范学院工作。2009年9月至2012年7月在中国科学技术大学攻读无机化学博士研究生,获博士学位。同年7月到英国正版365官方网站工作。 2013年获得安徽省高校青年人才重点项目资助。2015年获校“中青年学术骨干”称号,2017年获校优秀女教职工称号,2021年被评为校优秀教师,2023年校优秀党员。安徽省“六卓越一拔尖”(化学学科拔尖员工创新人才)项目主持人,安徽省第二批全省高公司党建工作样板支部培育创建单位项目主持人。









3. 三维介孔异质结构材料合成及其超级电容性能研究(KJ2020A0280),安徽省高校自然科学基金重点项目,2020年,6万元



6.核壳结构荧光纳米探针构建及其对病变细胞的监控分析;省级基金,4万元 2013年



9.磁荧光复合材料构建及其应用;校级项目, 1.5万元,2013年


1. Yang Ping,*Shi Tingfei, et al. Synthesis of phenol formaldehyde resin (PFR) based fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) composites for double channel detection of latent fingerprintsRSC advance,2024,2024,14,15647.

2. Yang Ping,*Shi Tingfei, et al. Develop the dual-channel fluorescent mesoporous SiO2 nanosphere-coated yttrium aluminum garnet composites for sensitive detection of latent fingerprintsRSC advance, 2024, 14, 9529.

3. Yang Ping*, Zhang Zikuan, et al. Synthesis of Urchin-like Ni@NP@NCP Composites with Three Solvothermal Systems for Highly Efficient Overall Seawater Splitting, Langmuir, 2023,39(17),6240-6248.

4. Yang Ping*, Sun Wei. Synthesis of mesoporous SiO2 coating containing chlorine phenol–formaldehyde resin (Cl–PFR) composites for effective fingerprint detection. Luminescence. 2022;37:1873–1880.

5. Yang Ping*, Sun Xiagnfei, et al. Hierarchically hexagon-like NiCoP/Co(PO3)2 composites supported on Ni foam as multifunction electrodes for supercapacitors and overall water splitting. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 2022,162,110511.

6. Sun Xiangfei, Yang Ping* et al. Synthesis of bristlegrass-like Co-doped Ni2P composites on Ni foam for overall seawater splitting. international journal of hydrogen energy. 2022, 47, 28495-28504.

7. Yang Ping*, Ren Menglei, et al. Facile Synthesis of N and P Co-Doped NiMoO4 Hollow Nanowires and Electrochemical Deposition of NiFe-Layered Double Hydroxide for Boosting Overall Seawater Splitting. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022 169 046511.

8. Wang Shaohua, Yang Ping,* et al. Fabrication of the flower-like NiCo2O4@Ni(OH)2/NiOOH composites supported on nickel foam by the green solvent dimethyl sulfoxide with high performance in supercapacitor and hydrogen evolution reaction,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2021, 159, 110257.

9. Wang Shaohua, Yang Ping,* Synthesis of 3D heterostructure Co-doped Fe2P electrocatalyst for overall seawater electrolysis,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2021,297,120386.

10. Yang Ping,* Jin,Congcong et. al. Facile synthesis of bimetallic-based CoMoO4/MoO2/CoP oxidized/phosphide nanorod arrays electroplated with FeOOH for efficient overall seawater splitting,Crystengcomm, 2021, 23, 6778-6791.

11. Sun Xiangfei, Yang Ping,* et. al. Fabrication of nanoflower-like MCoP (M=Fe and Ni) composites for high- performance supercapacitors,Langmuir, 2021, 37, 35, 10403–10412.

12. Sun Xiangfei, Yang Ping,* et al. Multifunctional zinc phthalocyanine-phenolic resin (ZnPc-PFR) @MSN nano- composite based fluorescent imaging, photothermal therapy, and pH-sensitive drug release,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2021,138, 34, e50854.

13. Yang Ping,* Feng Lina, et al. Construction of core-shell Ni@Ni3S2@NiCo2O4 nanoflakes as advanced electrodes for high-performance hybrid supercapacitors,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2021,155, 11011.

14. Wang Shaohua, Yang Ping,* et al. Facile synthesis of novel fluorescent phenol formaldehyde resin nanospheres for drug release,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021,138, 20,e50416.

15. Feng Lina, Yang Ping*, et al. 3D hierarchical flower-like NiMoO4@Ni3S2 composites on Ni foam for high- performance battery-type supercapacitors,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2021, 48, 109697

16. Sun Xiangfei, Yang Ping,*et al. Facile synthesis of up‐conversion cit‐NaYF4:Yb,Tm@phenol formaldehyde resin @Ag composites for the sensitive detection of S2-,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138(3), 49710.

17. Yang Ping *, Wang Shaohua, et al. Facile electrochemical deposition of porous NiCo2S4 on FeCo2O4 array as a positive material for battery-supercapacitor hybrid device,Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167(16), 160554.

18. Yang Ping,* Sun Xiangfei, et al. Synthesis of Cit-NaYF4: Yb, Tm@phenolic formaldehyde resin (PFR)@Au composites as an optical sensor for the detection of Cu(II) ions,Optical Materials. 2020, 109, 110326

19. Yang Ping*, Sun Xiangfei, et al. Growth of 3D nanoflower-Like FeCo2O4@Yb-Ni(OH)2 composites on Ni Foam as advanced electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors,Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167(10), 102513.

20. Yang Ping,* Liu Songlan, et al. Synthesis of the graphene supported Pd Composites as catalyst for the heck reaction of iodobenzene, acrylic acid and triethylamine,International Journal of Nanoence, 2020, 19(2), 1950012.

21. Yang* Ping, Feng Lina, et al. Synthesis of the urchin-Like NiS@NiCo2S4 composites on nickel foam for high-performance supercapacitors,ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7(1), 175-182

22. Yang Ping,* Nie Taotao, et al. Synthesis of graphene-based solid acid for catalytic reducing of p-nitrophenol,Functional Materials Letters, 2020, 13(1), 1950091.1-1950091.3.

23. Hu Jun, Yang Ping*, et al. Facile synthesis of NiO/nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for the application in supercapacitors,Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2019, 93(5), 895-901

24. Hu Jun, Yang Ping,* et al. Synthesis of micro/nano‐flower NiXCo-P-O for high‐performance electrochemical supercapacitors,ChemElectroChem,2019,6(3), 928-936.

25. Yang Ping,* Hu Jun, et al. hhA facile approach for the synthesis of porous KTiNbO5 catalyst with good activity for hydrogenation of p-Nitrophenol,Bulletin of Materials Science, 2018, 41, 61.

26. Yang Ping,* Hu Jun, et al. Synthesis of graphene nanosheets modified with the Fe3O4@phenol formaldehyde resin or PFR nanoparticles for their application in bio‐imagine and thermal treatment,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2017,134(26), 45007

27. Yang Ping*, Dong Hao, et al, Synthesis of fluorescent and low cytotoxicity Phenol Formaldehyde Resin (PFR)@Ag composites for cell imaging and antibacterial activity, Luminescence, 2015,30,1413-1417.

28. Yang Ping *, Xu An-Dong, Xia Jun, He Jie,* et al, Facile Synthesis of highly catalytic activity Ni-Co-Pd-P composite for reduction of the p-nitrophenol ,Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014, 470(30): 89-96.

29. Yang Ping, Jin Sheng-Yu, Xu Qi-Zhi, Yu Shu-Hong*, Decorating Pt-Co Bimetallic Alloy Nanoparticles on Graphene as Sensors for Detection of Glucose by Catalyzing Luminol Chemiluminescence Reaction, Small, 2013, 9(2): 199-204.

30. Yang Ping, Xu Qizhi et al. Synthesis of Multifunctional Ag@Au@Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Particles Loaded with Folic Acids for Photothermal Therapy, Chemistry - A European Journal,2012, 18(30): 9294-9299. (Front Cover)

31. Yang Ping, Xu Qi-Zhi, Jin Sheng-Yu, Lu Yang, Zhao Yang, Xu Xue-Wei, Yu Shu-Hong*, Synthesis of Fe3O4@PFR Core-Shell Nanospheres Loaded with Au Nanoparticles as Magnetic Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Nanoprobes for Detection of Thiols in Living Cells. Chemistry - A European Journal,2012, 18(4):1154-1160 .

32. Yang Ping, Zhao Yang, Lu Yang, Xu Qi-Zhi, Xu Xue-Wei, Dong Liang, Yu Shu-Hong*, Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Nanoparticles Loaded with CdTe Quantum Dots: A Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Probe for Optical Visual Detection of Copper (II) Ions ACS Nano, 2011,5(3):2147-2154.

33. Yang Ping,* Chen Yonghong, Zhu Qiyong. Sensitive chemiluminescence method for the determination of glutathione, L-cysteine and 6-mercaptopurine, Microchimica Acta 2008, 163(3):263-269.


1.杨萍,徐安东,夏军,何杰, 一种微纳米材料及其制备方法和应用,2014年,中国发明专利,专利号: zL201410188196.1

2.杨萍,章玉平, 一种石墨烯负载钯催化剂及其制备方法和应用 2017,中国发明专利, 专利号:ZL201510439154.5

3.杨萍,刘赛,胡俊,何杰, 一种纳米材料修饰层状钛铌酸钾及其制备方法和应用 2017年,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL201510439032.6

4.杨萍,刘松兰 酚醛树脂为基质的磁荧光复合材料及其制备方法和应用 ZL201710043806.2

5.杨萍,夏军,聂涛涛,姚同和 一种酚醛树脂-石墨烯气凝胶及其制备、应用 ZL201710064360.1


7. 杨萍,张子宽,一种N,P共掺杂NF@NiMoO4中空纳米线复合材料及其制备方法和应用 ZL20211442333.6

8. 杨萍,张子宽,朱双全,一种液剂粉剂均匀喷涂装置ZL202223583897.4

9. 杨萍,孙向飞,一种类似苯环结构双金属复合材料及其制备和应用ZL20211003525.8

10. 杨萍,孙伟,张子宽,一种Cl-PFR@MSN-NH2纳米复合材料及其制备方法和应用CN202210996833.2


电子邮箱:pyang8066@163.com pingyang@aust.edu.cn

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