毛立睿 讲师
毛立睿,男,1994年11月1日出生,汉族,安徽亳州人,中共党员,博士。2013年9月-2023年6月先后于英国正版365官方网站获得化学工程与工艺学士学位、化学工程硕士学位及环境科学与工程博士学位,2023年6月留校任教。近5年在Energy、Fuel、Energy&Fuels及Thermochimica Acta等国际、国内期刊发表论文10余篇。
1.安徽省教育厅高校科学研究生项目(2019YFC1904304) “微尺度气化细渣残炭特征及形成过程的研究”,结题,主持
2.英国正版365官方网站研究生创新基金项目(YJS20210377) “煤气化细渣中残炭形态的多尺度分析”,结题,主持
3.安徽省教育厅高校协同创新项目(GXXT-2020-006) “煤粉富氧高效燃烧及低NOx排放技术研究”,结题,参与
4.河南心连心化学工业集团股份有限公司科技项目(XLX-JSYJY-HT-2022-001) “配煤技术研究集成项目”,在研,参与
5.中国石油化工股份有限公司科技研发项目(418005-1) ”多原料气化优化配浆技术研究及应用”,在研,参与
1. Mao Lirui*, Zheng Mingdong, Xia Baoliang, Jiao Facun, Liu Tao, Zhan Yuanchun, Gao Shengtao, Li Hanxu*. Effect of residual carbon on coal ash melting characteristics in reducing atmosphere. Fuel, 2023, (346):128385. (中科院一区TOP)
2. Mao Lirui, Zheng Mingdong*, Li Hanxu*. Acceleration effect of BDO tar on coal water slurry during co-gasification., Energy, 2022, (262): 125432. (中科院一区TOP)
3. Mao Lirui, Li Hanxu*, Xia Baoliang, Liu Tao, Zhang Yuanchun, Zheng Mingdong*. Effect of Ca/Fe-based auxiliaries on anthracite char gasification under CO2 atmosphere: Synergistic catalysis, Thermochimica Acta, 2022, (713): 179224. (中科院三区)
4. Mao Lirui, Liu Tao*, Zhao Yanlin, Zheng Mingdong. Synergistic effects in gasification of lignite with high-sulfur-petroleum-coke system under CO2 atmosphere. Green Processing and Synthesis, 2023, (12): 20228143. (中科院四区)
5. Mao Lirui, Li Hanxu*, Zhang Yuanchun, Wu Chengli. Preparing coal water slurry from BDO tar to achieve resource utilization: combustion process of BDO tar-coal water slurry. Energy&Fuels, 2019, (33)10: 10297-10306.6. (中科院二区)
6. Liu, Tao*, Mao Lirui, Jiao Facun, Wu Chengli, Zheng Mingdong, Li Hanxu. Catalytic performance of Na/Ca-based fluxes for coal char gasification, Green Processing and Synthesis, 2022, 11(1): 204-217. (中科院四区)
7. Xia Baoliang, Li Hanxu*, Mao Lirui, Wu Chengli, Jiao Facun. Interactions in the Interface Between Coal Ash and Al2O3 Substrate at High Temperatures Induced by the Addition of CaO, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2021, 31(4): 2946-2954. (中科院四区)
8. 毛立睿, 李寒旭*, 胡侠. 掺配BDO焦油水煤浆燃烧性能及动力学分析. 煤炭转化, 2019, 42(02): 39-45. (CSCD).
9. 李寒旭*, 毛立睿, 陶然. 含钙和含铁矿物对粉煤气化堵渣的影响机理. 洁净煤技术, 2019, 25(01): 103-108. (CSCD).
10. Mao Lirui, Li Hanxu*, Zhang Yuanchun, Wu Chengli, Geng Yan. Preparing coal water slurry from BDO tar to achieve resource utilization: gasification process of BDO tar-coal water slurry, 2019 International Conference on Geoscience and Environmental Chemistry. (国际会议论文).
1. 基于兰炭末为原料制备的高成浆性的水煤浆及其制备方法. CN114350419A.
2. 采用BDO废水制备水煤浆的方法. 申请号:CN201910165438.
3. 生物质型煤及其生产方法. 申请号:CN115322819A.