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陈思羽 博士





(一) 爆破作用机理及分析测试技术

(二) 爆破效应精细控制理论与技术

(三) 智能爆破新材料与技术


1. Chen SY, Yang LY, Yang AY, et al. Damage evolution and fragmentation behavior of pyramid cut blasting under uniaxial compression[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2022, 19(5): 1475-1486.SCI,中科院三区)

2. Yang LY, Yang AY, Chen SY*, et al. Model experimental study on the effects of in situ stresses on pre-splitting blasting damage and strain development. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 138: 104587. (SCI,中科院一区)

3. Yang LY, Chen SY*, Yang AY, et al. Numerical and experimental study of the presplit blasting failure characteristics under compressive stress[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 149: 106873.SCI,中科院区)

4. Yang LY, Chen SY*, Dong PX, et al. Orthogonal Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Rock Mechanics Parameters in Stress Field of Shaft Heading Face. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2020.(SCI,中科院四区

5.  陈思羽, 王青成, 杨立云. 类岩石材料动态本构模型研究进展[J]. 科技导, 2022, 40(8): 115-126. CSCD

6. 经来旺,陈思羽. 富水软岩巷道复合支护技术与监测分析[J].煤矿安全,2018,49(08):231- 233+238.DOI:10.13347/j.cnki.mkaq.2018.08.059.(核心)

7. Fei Zhang, Liyun Yang, Peng Wei, Huanzhen Xie, Siyu Chen, Experimental study on the spatial fracture behaviour of red sandstone containing weak inclusions with non-unitary geometric features under uniaxial compression,Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Volume 126, 2023,103957. SCI,中科院区)

8. Liyun Yang, Jian Lü, Huanzhen Xie, Denghui Yang, Ping Fan, Jianhao Li, Siyu Chen, Experimental study on uniaxial compressive properties and damage evolution of basalt fiber reinforced concrete after being subjected to high temperature, Structures, Volume 54, 2023, Pages 693-703. SCI,中科院区)

9. Fei Zhang, Liyun Yang, Huanning Hu, Chen Huang & Siyu Chen (2023) Study on the crack propagation behaviour of eccentric uncoupled blasting in a deep-level rock mass, International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 37:6, 419-440. SCI,中科院区)

10. Huanzhen Xie, Peng Wei, Ning Liu, Jun Gao, Liyun Yang, Jianhao Li, Siyu Chen. Study on failure characteristics of basalt fiber reactive powder concrete under uniaxial loading[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 404: 133246. SCI,中科院区)

11. Liyun Yang, Fei Zhang, Jinhao Pan, Donghui Man, Peng Wei, Huanzhen Xie, Siyu Chen, Jianhao Li, Mechanical behaviour and spatial fracture characteristics of granite containing weak inclusions under uniaxial loading revealed by 3D DIC and AE monitoring: The influence of extension length of planar inclusions,Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,Volume 127, 2023, 104021. SCI,中科院区)

12. Yang Liyun, Zhang Fei, Xie Huanzhen, Chen Siyu, Lin Changyu. Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Red Sandrock-Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete Composite under Impact Load. KSCE J Civ Eng 26, 1479–1493 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12205-021-1233-0SCI,中科院区)

13. Jianhao Li, Liyun Yang, Huanzhen Xie, Jun Gao, Fei Zhang, Siyu Chen, Yang Liu, Shuyue Zhang, Experimental investigation on interfacial bonding performance between cluster basalt fiber and cement mortar, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, Volume 179.SCI,中科院区)



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